The Road to Jerusalem, The Knight Templar – Jan Guillou

Vols 1 and 2 of The Crusades Trilogy, by swede Jan Guillou, translated by Anna Paterson.

Borrowed from Battersea library in April 2003, and after a slow start, devoured over the chil Easter weekend in Walton (well, Good Friday and Easter Saturday at least).

Verdict: Haddock Review

Haven’t yet come to terms with prospect of waiting until June 2004 to read the third and final book – The Kingdom at the End of the Road.

Buy it: Amazon link

Update – April 2005

I contacted the UK publishers to ask when/if they would be publishing the third and final instalment in the trilogy. The bad news is that they won’t. From the sound of it, the first two weren’t profitable enough. How very annoying.

12 thoughts on “The Road to Jerusalem, The Knight Templar – Jan Guillou”

  1. I happened across your review of Guillou’s books about Arn, and I thought I’d bring you some news:

    In October (2006) filming will begin of the (in Sweden) extremely popular Arn movies. Rumor has it that there will be a first movie in 2007, a second in 2008 and, finally, a series in 2009. Hopefully, that will spark enough interest to get the third book translated and published!

    I have read the third part myself, and I think I can say that it is worth waiting for! Otherwise, get the dvd once it’s out! 😉

    Book-loving greetings from Sweden, Matilda Farmer

  2. Thank you for letting me (us) know Matilda – I’ll definitely look out for the movie, and an english translation of book three(I’m an optimist!).

  3. There is a fourth and final book called the legacy of arn, about his grandson and founder of Sweden Birger Jarl.

  4. I’ve been waiting for 4 years to read The Kingdom at the End of the Road. I’ve seen copies printed in English on the internet in France and Germany, but they either cost a fortune or are no longer available. I heard about the movie earlier in 2007, but never heard if it actually came out. There still doesn’t appear to be any full printing of the 3rd book anytime soon. I surely won’t hold my breath for the alleged 4th book, lol.

  5. Greetings from Australia

    Absolutely devastated to find that the english translation was not done of the 3rd book. Such a great read I can’t believe it was not profitable!
    Here’s hoping for the movies to encourage the publishers.

  6. I’m well annoyed with it meself. I’ve been waiting since 2003 for the third book to be translated and to hear an end to the story but I suppose I’ll have to keep waiting. Cheers for the info everyone.

  7. with no English translation of the third book I think that extreme measures are called for…like finding a nice Swedish girlfriend to read it to me page by page…sort of like mom used to many years ago! I, too, have given up on waiting for a commercial translation. Sad. the first two were real page-turners!

  8. Hello all – I just discovered the Swedish Crusades trilogy a few months ago and read the two Englsh translations in rapid succession. As you say, tragically there is no 3rd volume in English.

    My local library mistakenly thinks it’s going to be “re-printed” early in 2009. Must be referring to another language.

    Wonder if Anna Paterson, who did the great translations, can be persuaded to translate and self-publish. She has done a lot of translations and joint authorships. I found her address via Yell, but there was no email address. Maybe I’ll write to her.

    Good hunting!

  9. Hello all – My life partner is very ill and he is currently reading the first novel of the trilogy. I reside in Canada and would greatly appreciate buying the second one if anyone of the readers would accept letting it go for a very good cause. A woman desperate to bring some joy in her man,s life.

  10. My comments aren’t too different to the rest of you. The first two books have left me longing for the 3rd. Here’s hoping that our public cries will be heard. But in its absence, I couldn’t help myself and watched the movie via youtube – search Arn 1 and then Arn 2. It’s not bad at all. Does justice to the book/s unlike so many other attempts at bringing great stories to the screen. Highly recommended.

  11. To bring the thread up to date, the third part (Birth of the Kingdom) is now released in the UK by Harper.

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