I had a really good weekend with Laura visiting, but am feeling a leeetle tired today as a result. Two late nights and both partyish nights at that. Friday with Phil at Stef’s 30th+3, with snail’s pace bus journeys as the traffic crawled through the Old Street/Shoreditch road works and lots of waiting in the stairrod rain, and then drinking and dining and then drinking some more on Saturday evening through to Sunday morning with Laura and Hazel. Discovered a great Italian restaurant about 5 minutes from Clapham Common tube, which we shared with a raucous table of italian ladies on a hen night (definitely a good sign!!), and that SoshoMatch on Tabernacle Street is open to 3am, and only charges £3 for the priveledge, plus no queue. Definitely a bonus compared with other places we check out on our walking tour of Trendy Shoreditch bars.
And we really did induldge ourselves on the gastronomic front, being ladies who lunch at Fortnum & Mason’s on Saturday lunchtime (We walked it off around Bond Street and the other expensive shopping areas before heading home to CJ though), and a restorative Banana Leaf Canteen at 3pm on Sunday (after slowing coming to with the help of Hollyoaks and a double helping of Dawson’s Creek.
I’ve not really done much navel gazing on the career front, but I plan to tonight. and to do boring minutes for our freehold co meeting before R.I.T. gets on my case.
And if I get chance I’m going to buy a signal booster from argos for my telly. I’m planning on this one by LabGear. Selected on the basis that it sounds like it does what I need, it looks nice, and it’s cheaper than the other one.
hello! i have a signal booster you can have, if you still want one