Central Asia Overland – visa update: all done!

After a small bout of nervousness on Wednesday, it was a great relief to get this email at work on Thursday:

Your passport has been collected from the embassy and has been posted to you today. You should receive it on the next working day.

Thank you for using Travcour UK Ltd.

My nerves resurfaced when there was still nothing in our post box this morning…. especially as the Royal Mail’s online tracking system was saying that the delivery had been made yesterday. So I went to enquire directly with the car park attendant, and after a bit of searching in various storerooms and shelves on his part, I spotted my envelope in the small items drawer… incorrectly addressed to 207 BJH – not that I cared at that point!

Four lovely visas, all present and (I hope!!) correct…… now I can start piling up things to take on the spare bed!