I Return R-E-L-A-X-E-D

Back from a lovely relaxing weekend at dad’s which saw us venture up to Leominster (great ‘antique’ shops!) and to Forty Acres to view the snowdrops on Saturday, winding up at The Neville Arms for dinner.

On Sunday, I slobbed under the duvet in the lounge in front of Hollyoaks whilst dad and jean were at church, until being shamed from my stupor and out for a gentle stroll to Holme Lacy church, where dad showed me the heroic gravestone statue of the last of the local gentry, and we all admired the snowdrops.

Returned bearing Christmas gifts – principally a swanky breadmaker from dad and Jean, but also a large scale OS map of the world (with wipe-off surface, so I’m planning to plot H’s route whilst she’s in South America) and a nifty tripod-for-all-surfaces.